How automated product tagging helps fashion trend analysis

No doubt. Automated product tagging can drastically support your fashion business. In this blog we address the usage of Artificial Intelligence and visual computing helping fashion companies to forecast with more accuracy.
What are product Tags ?
Product tags are a set of additional attributes that power categorization, search, product descriptions, known as attribute metadata. Unbelievably, this is still a manual, laborious task for many retailers, large and small.
Why use product tags ?
Tags Are High Quality and Free-from-Errors: Human error can lead to incorrect, irrelevant or even missing information.
Metadata is Rich & Consistent: Products that are categorized correctly, have accurately labelled descriptions, and contain rich metadata make search results more accurate.
Improve product discoverability: Rich, robust metadata is essential for SEO and site search
Search through the in-stock inventory with speed and accuracy. Group and manage your entire inventory for different customer segments, customer tiers and geographical locations.
Predictive analytics. Use product tags to identify and understand past performance per product and per attribute. Inform future business decisions at design, buying-merchandising and pricing levels with a lowered risk of bias.
Tag for trends
Keeping track of the granular details of all products in the inventory helps retail teams gauge their products better, interpret trends and buying behavior better, all while learning key findings of their stock. Accurately tagged items also help detect early signs of trends, helping you make smarter marketing decisions. Businesses can prepare for seasonal spikes and optimize sales campaigns.
Fashion buyers and merchandisers, after creating the seasonal range plan of new designs, use product tagging to match the style, set up the initial price, margins, sales and purchase plans by collecting relevant historical data based on tags. Product tags combined with historical data will also assist in recommending the assortment of products and store allocation plan based on fashion time series forecasting models.
How product tagging works
It all starts with the product data management (PDM) module. The PDM is where your product information is stored in a logical and efficient structure. It is the single source of truth for all product data; a PDM provides a central hub where product data is enriched, standardized and categorized.
Product URLs and images are sent from the platform to the product label service, where AI technology is used to visually search the image to create product tags. The tags (or attributes) are sent back to the platform, ensuring products metadata is added and optimized based on the trained model.
Check how fast a product can be tagged using AI technology.